For my solar vehicle project i choose to design a boat. At first i was going to make a boat out of four water bottles rubber banded together. My water bottle project wasn't so successfully i couldn't find a way on how not to get the motor wet. I got a bit frustrated..but then my friend Chris brought in cookies to class and with his cookie tray i figured that it would be possible to make a boat with it. Chris helped me out on placing the motor.
The power of the sun is going to work by allowing my boat to move on water. With the solar panel i will receive enough sunlight to power my motor and allow my boat to move by spinning the propeller.
The design of my boat vehicle is pretty basic the boat is basically the lid of a cookie box and my propeller is a wooden popsticle stick with my name on it .. and the motor is on the inside. The spinning metal of the motor is poked though the cookie lid and there is black plastic piece of scrap under to make it balance and it is tapped so it wont move.
My project although is still unfinished. I have to add, of course the solar panel and also some kind of pieces on the bottom of my solar panle to make it stay put and recieve enough sunlight.