Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Earths Resorce Study Guide

4.1 : Energy and mineral resources

           -tar sands and oil shales
               fuels that come out of tar sands and oil shales could  become good replacements for dwindling    petroleum supplies.
             - formation and mineral deposits
                many of the most important mineral deposits form through igneous processes and hydrothermal solutions. Ore is a an useful metallic mineral.
              -nonmetallic mineral resources
                 nonmetallic mineral resources are tooken away and procesed for the nonmetallic elements they have or for their physical or chemical properties.

  4.2 : alternaate energy souces

            -solar energy
               the two solar energy advantages are that solar energys fuel is free, and it is non-polluting.
            -nuclear energy
              the uranium nuclei split into smaller nuclei snd get neutrons , also heat energy.
            -wind energy
                later on in some decades wind power is only going to be used at between 5 to 10 percent of the electricity used by the country.
           -hydroelectric power
              it is the power generated by falling water

week 12: Earthquakes

The difference between the focus and the epicenter of an earthquake is that a focus is the point where the rock first fractures during an earthquake and the epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus.

The "p"  on the seismograph is the primary wave and it moves in a compressional motion it is an elastic wave.
the "s" on the seismograph is the secondary wave moves in a shear motion perpendicular to the direction the wave is travelling it is also a seismic body wave that shakes the ground back.
They are different because the S wave moves much slower than the P wave.